Words of Music

Elsősorban elektronikus zenei, azon belül is a trance műfajról szóló oldal, amelyben természetesen mindennapi, általános témák is helyet kapnak a szerkesztő(k) mindennapjaiból.

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H - I - J - K - L - M - N
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V - W - X - Y - Z



Képek az IndaFotón

2008.03.31. 00:52 Davyd

Paul van Dyk - In Between dalszövegek

Mint azt az előző bejegyzésben jeleztem, többen keresik a "Let Go" dalszövegét. Nos, akkor ennek a sok keresésnek most "eleget teszek". De ha már egyszer felkerül ide a szöveg, miért ne jöhetne mellé a többi? Hiszen van az albumon épp elég szám, aminek van szép és jó szövege, úgyhogy álljanak akkor itt hiánytalanul. Lehet olvasni, megtanulni és énekelni.

Paul van Dyk feat. Lo-Fi Sugar - Haunted

When the light comes in
on our pale reflections
will I resist
coming on to you
for the night protects
all that we've invested
I've invested in you

cuz I'm haunted
I wanted
to get ya back
despite the way
I try to forget
your saddened face

and I'm haunted
my call is
without words
without a way
to say
"I could never walk away"

cuz I'm haunted
I wanted
to get ya back
despite the way
I try to forget
your saddened face

you are the rise
the rise
that falls
falls from my obsession
you're the last to know

you've arrived
to my confession
oh god
all I have to show

cuz I'm haunted
I wanted
to get ya back
despite the way
I try to forget
your saddened face

and I'm haunted
my call is
without words
without a way
to say
"I could never walk away"

Paul van Dyk feat. Jessica Sutta - White Lies

uh oh...
Im being pulled into the fire
of a toxic flame
I'm too close
and there is a good chance that I won't
get away

and I need it going into the daylight
... into the day
and I'm lookin' for it into the night
... into the night
and then I think about it
and I can't live without it
you're tellin' me that that's alright

can't get enough
can't give it up

when you're tellin' me those
white lies champagne

yeah it's gettin' rough
and I want to know
if I'm addicted to your
white lies in vain

can't get enough
can't give it up

when you're tellin' me those
white lies champagne

yeah it's gettin' rough
and I want to know
if I'm addicted to your
white lies in vain

"don't go"
I tell myself that I'm not really
hooked on you
but I know
if I stay then your use will become abuse

when I'm trying hard
to break the fever
... into the day
and the medicine just won't take
... into the night
and then I think about is
and I can't live without it
you're tellin' me that that's alright

can't get enough
can't give it up

when you're tellin' me those
white lies champagne

yeah it's gettin' rough
and I want to know
if I'm addicted to your
white lies in vain

Paul van Dyk feat. Ashley Tomberlin - Complicated

if I have a little space
if I deconstruct it all
if I drink until I feel numb
if I take a little time
if I lose a little sleep
I'll forget I thought you were
the one

It's complicated
(loving this way)

still chased by ghosts of
little mistakes

it's complicated
it's complicated
it's complicated
it's complicated

all the promises
that you made to me
unintentional lies
god I still believe

it's complicated
it's complicated

if I try to turn it off
if I swallow all my pride
if I love till nothings left at all
if I say but never do
if I weep a little while
if I could only make this stop

tell me that you love me
just tell me that you love me

it's complicated
it's complicated

if I bleed until I'm dry
make love to loneliness
accept that this is all I've got
if I convince myself
forget whats in the past
you wouldn't still be what I want

tell me that you love me
just tell me that you love me

Paul van Dyk & Alex M.O.R.P.H. feat. Ashley Tomberlin - Get Back

get back

back to you
that's where I go
when I'm so fed up
when I can't go on
in you arms
that's home to me
when I'm awfully tired
when I need love
and I need love

and I need love

it's 3am
and I can hear you breathing
though I'm fast asleep
though I'm deeply dreaming
in your arms
that's home to me
when I'm awfully tired
when I need love

back to you

Paul van Dyk - Another Sunday

it blows my mind

and so we throw stones
to the sky
trying to smash
the stained glass windows
of this world

it blows my mind

Paul van Dyk feat. Ryan Merchant - Talk In Grey

missin' the train
movin' the days around

these moments in time
always the change of hands that takes you out

when everything is sinking to the top
and something's got you lookin' till you see you're blind
you know that I would try my best to say

if I could talk in grey
I wouldn't see you face at all
if I could talk in grey

live in the night
mumble the days aloud

a question of rights
things that we left around they crawl inside

and make you wanna feel across the lines
when everything is soundin' like a battle cry
no promises are good enough to take

if I could talk in grey
I wouldn't see you face at all
if I could talk in grey

Paul van Dyk feat. Wayne Jackson - Stormy Skies

I'm not afraid to dive,
into your stormy skies.
your beauty mystifies,
and speaks in semaphore
I hang on every word,
your eyes like restless birds.
I could feed on what
I heard for evermore

your stormy skies
your stormy skies
your stormy skies
your stormy skies

she's tripping on high heels,
sensations of love she feels
you, you'rethe sign,
you're the scheme
In every line

your stormy skies
your stormy skies
your stormy skies
your stormy skies

I'm not afraid to dive,
into your stormy skies.
your beauty mystifies,
and speaks in semaphore
I hang on every word,
your eyes like restless birds.
I could feed on what
I heard for evermore

Paul van Dyk & Starkillers & Austin Leeds feat. Ashley Tomberlin

I watch thy sky turn black to blush
head still spinning from the rush
of all the things I did the night before

and looking down from my hotel
these dawn-lit streets begin to fill
with memories of you and I
on a new york city night

I shake my head to clear the sounds
the traffic horns, the growing crowd
the sun awaking over central park

but still it creeps beneath my skin
all of these heartbeats in the din
with concrete dreams stirring to life
on a new york city night

and I take it with me when I leave
the crowded skyline, the energy
the sleepless city always leaves its mark

just close my eyes and I'm back again
the neon flush upon our skin
still wrapped in thoughts of love and wine
on a new york city night

Paul van Dyk feat. Lo-Fi Sugar - Castaway

sometimes they raise you
feelin' far too fine
bound to be
bound to be my dregs

if only up to me
I'd rush it uot sea
bound to take us


sometimes they raise you
feelin' far too fine
bound to be
bound to be my dregs

if only up to me
I'd rush it uot sea
bound to take us


cast away
we waste all day
fail to figure out
what is hailed to be ours

right on
some days
falls to the wayside
the way oh way oh way

got the plans to figure out
plans to figure out

erase you

pillow thrown to flame
bound to be
bound to be my haste

fold it up to me
rush it our forsee

vow to take us
ah - huh

cast away
we waste all day
fail to figure out
what is hailed to be ours

right on
some days
falls to the wayside
the way oh way oh way

cast away
we waste all day
fail to figure out
what is hailed to be ours

right on
some days
falls to the wayside
the way oh way oh way

fail to figure out
fail to figure out

Paul van Dyk feat. Rea Garvey - Let Go

I can't get it out me if's breathing inside of me
it's reaching inside of you
you're feeling infected
you're being infected
it's just like the cold
a kiss on your lips
now you're taking control
I feel like a criminal
I'm falling apart
we're leaving for venus in getaway car
couse no one can save us there's no need to cry
I'm looking for saviours before they all die

if you want to try and save me
then take my heart don't hate me
if you feel you can't let go then let go
if you want to try and save me
then take my heart don't hate me
if you feel you can't let go then let go

I feel like a criminal
I'm falling apart
we're leaving for venus in getaway car
you say that you haunt me but you don't really know
your clinging to fingers but try you got to let go

if you want to try and save me
then take my heart don't hate me
if you feel you can't let go then let go
if you want to try and save me
then take my heart don't hate me
if you feel you can't let go then let go

if you want to try and save me
then take my heart don't hate me
if you feel you can't let go then let go

Paul van Dyk feat. David Byrne - Fall With Me

(would you) fall with me?
tumble into lost horizons
(it's a) long way down
to the streets below

(now I'm) on my way
if I get an invitation
I belive
but you never know

I could be happy, no doubt
I could be crunchy, that's how
livin' my daydreams, you know
dancin' on tip toes, fo sho

hologram, priestess, success, I guess
lingerie, he knows, no clothes, exposed
victory, cocktail, telltale, on sale
hotter then sunshine, sometime, headline

(would you) fall with me?
we could be so happy, baby
(would you) go my way?
I belive you do

(would you) save my life?
if I set my hair on fire?
who am I?
if I only know

tumblin' backwards, my love
heavenly, creatures, too much
everything changes, they say
fresh as a daisy, some day

takin a road trip, good fit, ain't it?
send me postcard, backyard, how far?
genuine laughter, faster, blaster
suddenly hit me, fit me, tipped me

(would you) fall with me?
tumble into lost horizons
(it's a) long way down
to the streets below

(now I'm) on my way
if I get an invitation
I belive
but you never know

(would you) fall with me?
we could be so happy, baby
(would you) go my way?
I belive you do

(would you) save my life?
if I set my hair on fire?
who am I?
if I only know

Szólj hozzá!

Címkék: zene album dalszöveg paul van dyk

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